Spring has traditionally been the most popular season to list your home — because summer is the most popular season for moving in the United States. But it’s also easy to get lost in the shuffle if you sell your home as temperatures rise. Faced with more competition, you may not fetch top dollar for your Sacramento home.
Have you considered selling your home in the slow season? December is the slowest month for real estate sales. If you’re open to selling your property in the winter, here are some reasons your off-season sale may just pay off big time.
1. There’s Less Inventory to Compete With
The first reason to sell in the off-season is the most obvious: there will be fewer homes on the market to compete with. The Sacramento real estate market is aflutter in the spring and summer, and buyers are spoiled for choice. If you sell during the slow season, you may have the upper hand. Fewer inventory options means buyers can give your property the chance it deserves.
2. Buyers May Be Uniquely Motivated
Because the off-season is slow for a reason (school is in session, the holiday season is approaching), someone who does want to buy may be more motivated — and not just looking for fun. Buyers in the slow season could be relocating to Sacramento and in need of fast housing. Other buyers may want to buy before the end of the calendar year so they can offset their current year taxes in a few months.
Selling your home in the slow season lets you take advantage of these factors. On the other hand, buyers may assume you’re also in a pickle because you’re choosing to sell in the off-season — so be prepared to negotiate and stand strong in your asking price.
3. Your Own Move May Be Less Expensive
If you sell during the slow season, that means you’ll also move during the slow season. Everything from movers to storage may have a smaller price tax during the off-peak months. If you move in June, tracking down moving truck bids takes a lot of time. You’re more likely to have options in December (and be able to negotiate discounts).
4. You May Close More Quickly
Fewer sales means less congested loan, escrow, and notary processes in some cases. In other words: selling your Sacramento home in the slow season could expedite the sale. If the idea of a fast closing is super appealing, don’t wait until May to list your property. Buyers may get stuck in the approval process with their credit union and other steps could be delayed.
5. Realtors and Investors are Eager to Help
Realtors and investors also have less on their plate during winter months. This means you get their full attention and could have your pick of the litter as far as who you work with. You can really explore your options. When you’re selling a Sacramento home, you have to main options:
a) List your home on the market with a real estate agent. Your agent may recommend that you fix up your property before you put it on MLS, so if you want to list in November, you would have to start preparing in the late summer.
b) Sell your home to an investor. Real estate investors like California Family Homebuyers are always looking for new homes to buy — but we can only handle so many projects at a time. If you come to us in the summer, it may take a bit longer for us to connect. In the slower season, we can often expedite your all-cash offer.
Are you considering selling your home this year? You don’t have to wait until late spring or summer to list. In fact, you may even want to wait to sell your home in the slow season. If you notice a ton of “For Sale” signs in your home during the busy season, it’s a lot harder to stand out.
Contact California Family Homebuyers today to learn more about getting an all-cash offer for your home during any season! We will do an assessment of your property and offer you a no-pressure offer. We may be able to get you your money in as few as seven days!