How to Create Storage Space at Home

Did you know that having storage in your Sacramento home isn’t just convenient? It can also increase the value of your property. Most Millennial buyers say that ample closet space is a deal breaker when they’re on the hunt for a new home. But how do you create storage space without breaking down walls or adding on to your property?

Fortunately, there are ways to create storage space and add value to your home. Here are a few ideas that will show potential buyers how much stuff they can stow away in the property.

Create Vertical Storage

When in doubt, look up. Install shelving from the ceiling to the floor in rooms with little closet space, and don’t count out narrow spaces. For instance, a skinny bit of wall space in between a doorway and the wall can become a place to store anything from photos and memorabilia to mugs and kitchen supplies. Lots of shelving gives potential buyers who might want for more closet space a viable alternative that can keep them happy.

Build Behind-the-Door Shelving

Shallow shelving that fits behind a door is another creative way to create more storage at home. If you build a frame for the shelves that fits the dimensions of the door, the shelving unit will be completely hidden when the door is open, and the door won’t disturb the items you place there. This trick is particularly useful in bathrooms, where you’re least likely to have any closet space at all.

Store Stuff Between Garage Joints

Do you have a garage with exposed beams or an unfinished basement? We call that an opportunity. Screw wire shelving just underneath the joints to create a shelf that you can fill with baskets, boxes, and tubs. Those extra lightbulbs and extension cords suddenly have a place to live. For potential buyers who hate clutter, this storage trick will help them answer the question “Where am I supposed to put my holiday decorations?” You can learn more about installing wire shelving here.

Double Up Closet Shelving

A lot of custom closets have a shelf above the clothing bar. But what about making a double-decker shelving unit? We’re a fan. You can create storage space any buyer will love by adding two shelves instead of one. All it takes is a little planning and a slightly lower wardrobe bar to add an extra shelf to your master closet. Show buyers that they don’t need to throw out all those shoes, after all! This storage trick works in any size closet.

Add Some Hidden Storage in Your Furniture

Everyone can use an ottoman with a bit of storage in the middle, but what good is that for adding home value? Unless you’re leaving the ottoman behind — none. On the other hand, building a window bench with a hollow interior in your common room might impress people. The space can be used as seating with the aid of a few pillows, and you’ll have more than enough room to store blankets and other living room essentials.

Have lots of storage but no offers on your home? Learning to create more storage can’t solve all problems. At California Family Homebuyers, we buy Sacramento properties in as-is condition. Even those without a lot of closet space or a huge plumbing issue! Give us a call today to see if we can help.

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