How Do I Prepare to Sell My House in Sacramento?

You want to sell your Sacramento house, and you want to get top dollar.


But are you ready? It’s one thing to have plans to sell your home — and quite another to do it. There can be unexpected delays because of problems with the property, the current market, or other factors.

If you’re wondering “How do I sell my house in Sacramento?” we have some tips! Read on to learn more.

*NOTE: These instructions are for a seller looking to get  full retail value for a house sale.  However, if you don’t want to do the things below (or don’t have the time or money to do them) you can still sell your Sacramento house fast with an all-cash offer.

1) Clean, clean, and clean some more. Even vacant houses get dusty and dirty, so make sure you give your property regularly cleanings while it’s listed. Buyers are not impressed by dust bunnies. If you’re not a total clean freak, hire someone who is to help you out until you sell. Nothing grosses out a potential buyer more than walking through a home with dirty dishes in the sink and hair-filled carpets.

2) Cultivate a cohesive, neutral style. You don’t have to paint everything off-white. In fact, some subtle colors can really help change the perception of spaces; for example, a soft yellow brightens up a dark kitchen, while deep blue mellows out a room with a ton of natural light. The right colors can make a big difference in how people feel inside the home. Not sure about that? Even psychologists study the effects of color on the brain!

3) Fix or replace anything that’s broken. It might feel like a waste of money to spend an extra couple hundred bucks on a dishwasher that someone else might just pull out and replace again. But really, quite a few buyers will get a home inspection and use the opportunity to negotiate with you. As the seller, you’ll often end up paying more if you try to hide neglected maintenance from the purchaser – and of course you don’t want to be guilty of fraud.

You may even want to hire a home inspector to walk through before you put the property on the market. If you ask in advance, they’ll often charge you a smaller rate to come back after you’ve done a bunch of minor repairs and deliver you a clean bill of health. Prospective buyers love to see an independent report on the condition of the house.

4) Make only necessary improvements. The biggest mistake people make when getting their house ready to sell is over-improving. They often spend too much money on customized frills that can’t be recovered in the sale. In other words: fix things that affect the functionality of the home, but hold back on aesthetic choices that your buyer may not care about (or even like). It’s important to ask a professional about what improvements will produce a return on investment to avoid wasting money.

5) Get expert opinions. You should definitely find at least a few local real estate brokers who will help you price your property. Just be honest about whether you’re seeking help selling the property or only want an honest assessment. A Realtor may urge you to over price if they’re factoring in their own commission.

6) Have a really great marketing plan. Great brokers earn their value by doing this work for you. It’s pretty expensive and time-consuming to start from scratch on your own, but it’s not impossible. If you are planning on doing your own marketing, it’s still worth it to pick the brain of a pro or start paying attention to how neighbors and friends advertise their homes for sale.

7) Get a cash offer. We buy houses all over the Sacramento area, and we do all the work so you don’t have to deal with any of this stuff.

Don’t Want Deal with These Suggestions? You Can Still Sell Your Sacramento, California House Fast

While everyone wants to earn as much money as possibly from their house sale… not everyone can do the things required to sell it at full retail value to an end buyer.

Doing the repairs, cleaning the property up, upgrading the property,  and marketing the property…  all take money, time, and energy.

If you have the funds to fix up and list the property... AND you can wait the 3-9 months it takes to sell houses in this market, you may want to contact an agent. It could be more lucrative to list the property on the MLS (the main property listing service that real estate agents use).

If you don’t have the funds to do these things... AND can’t wait months to sell your house, then you may be a perfect fit for our local Sacramento house buying service. You’ll submit basic info about your house over here on our website, we’ll evaluate your house, we’ll make you a fair all-cash offer on your house, and you can decide if it’s a fit for you.

Then we can close FAST (often times within 7 days) if you need us to.

If you need to sell a property near Sacramento, we can help you.

We buy properties like yours from people who need to sell fast.

We’d like to make you a fair offer on your Sacramento house

Give us a call anytime at (916) 907-6116 or
fill out the form on this website today! >>

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